Disadvantaged Business Enterprise and Minority Business Enterprise Certifications
DBE Certifications: AR, AZ, CA, CO, DE, FL, GA, IA, ID, IL, IN, KS, LA, MD, ME, MI, MN, MO, MS, MT, NC, ND, NE, NH, NJ, NM, NV, NY, OH, OR, PA, RI, SC, TN, TX, UT, VA, VT
MBE Certifications: GA, KS, TN and Nassau County, NY
Rare Agricultural Products, LLP is well positioned for success in the agricultural products sector by providing the following:
1. Competitively priced agricultural products, direct and online
2. Reliable distribution and direct drop shipment of products
3. Professional consultation for Best Management Practices and ROI
4. Procurement with city, state and federal government contracts in the agricultural sector
5. Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) and Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) certifications throughout the United States

Rare Agricultural Products Rare Agricultural Procurement
Successes and Opportunities
Rare Agricultural Products has been awarded contracts from the State of Tennessee, the Village of Garden City, NY, Winter Haven, FL and La Joya Independent School District to date. We compete in contracts in all 50 states and we are registered as a vendor in the majority of states and currently utilize BidPrime as a resource to find contracts that we are qualified for. We are in our first year of business and we are expanding rapidly, gaining continued success in procurement and online retail sales. We have a professional relationship with Helena Agri Enterprises, The Orion Companies, Gold Leaf Fertilizer, JH Biotech and Novus Ag and are seeking additional distributors to maximize our reach into the agricultural products, horticultural and greenhouse industries.

Redefining Agriculture Reinvigorating Expectations
Rare Builds Relationships to Rebuild your Bottom Line
Rare Agricultural Products has a commitment to our farmers, growers, gardeners, clients, distributors and contractors to provide reliable service and deliver quality products in a respectful and timely manner. Success in any agricultural business is based upon building relationships and constructing bridges. We use those bridges to forge a path through the traditional row crop, specialty crop, greenhouse horticulture, organic farming, commercial hemp and cannabis industries, turf and ornamental industries. It is with this mentality that we, "Redefine Agriculture and Reinvigorate Expectations".
Rare Agricultural Products is a solutions based partnership between our products and your profits and as such, we provide our clients with sound agronomic consultation, products that serve the needs of their production goals and the reliability of our delivery and dedicated customer service. We were established in December of 2023 and will become a force within the agricultural arena in the years to come. We look forward to doing business with you and we welcome your business.
Welcome to Rare Agricultural Products, LLP.
Managing Partner,
Rashad Reed