We ship to the lower continental United States with shipping info placed on the checkout window before the order is finalized. Orders to Alaska, Hawaii and U.S. territories will incur a shipping determined by the distance. Orders will be checked for the state of residency of the recipient before being shipped and if necessary, we will contact the buyer to determine eligibility to purchase the item by requesting a pesticide applicator license for restricted use pesticides in accordance with their state Department of Agriculture guidelines. Before items are shipped, we ensure that the products are approved by your state department of agriculture for the items in your card. The products will be packaged and shipped at the warehouse of their respective distributor and shipped to your home, office, farm, or business directly. Each order is packed with love, so please allow 3-7 business days for your order to be processed, packed, and delivered. We accept all major credit cards and PayPal. Note that all prices on our site are listed in USD. If you are not completely satisfied with your purchase, please contact us, and we’ll discuss the return options. Rare Agricultural Products, LLP Rare Agricultural Products Online Store www.rareagriculturalproducts.com Refund and Return Policy The policies related to refunds and returns are as follows and will not be modified unless expressly given in written communication and signed by the managing partner of Rare Agricultural Products, LLP. Refunds are available for liquid fertilizer, herbicide, pesticide, soil amendments, seed treatment, fungicide, insecticide and agrichemical products, except for the products that are expressly notated on their online description that refunds are NOT available. Credit card transaction fees are non-refundable under any conditions so if you are unsure about whether the product that you are purchasing is approved in your state and/or if you have the required credentials to be able to accept the product that you wish to purchase, please e-mail sales@rareagproducts.com BEFORE placing your order. * Time - How much time from purchase does a user have to request a refund Customers have 20 days to request a refund, and the products must be received at the original shipping location warehouse within 30 days of the original date that the product is received. In other words, if the product is received on 1/1/2025, the customer will have until 1/20/2025 to request a refund and it is the responsibility of the customer to ensure that the product is shipped and received at the shipping location by 1/30/2025. There will be no exceptions to this rule unless expressly written as such by the managing partner of Rare Agricultural Products, LLP. In order to secure a refund, customers must e-mail sales@rareagproducts.com and put Order Refund in the subject line. If you do not receive a response within 3 business days, resend the e-mail and contact Rare Agricultural Products at the contact number listed on the main website. It is the responsibility of the customer to check the contents of the package they receive, when they receive it, to ensure that it is accurate, in working condition, meets the volume they purchased and is free from defects or nonfunctional abnormalities. If there is a product that has a dent in the plastic container, but is otherwise functional, we will not take that product back. If there is a hole in a box or bag and the product has spilled out, such that it is unusable under practical circumstances without product loss, we will assess the situation and grant a refund to ensure customer satisfaction. * Method of refund Rare Agricultural Products, LLP seeks to establish and maintain excellent customer service throughout the process of doing business. Upon approval of a refund, the customers will be given a refund confirmation number. If the product was damaged in shipping beyond repair or use, we will provide a shipping label, and it is the responsibility of the party that is returning the product to send the product to the shipping warehouse at or before the 30-day return policy has expired. We will refund the original method of payment if possible and in cases where it may not be possible, i.e. card number has changed, been reported lost/stolen, or customer requests another card be refunded, we will issue a store credit for the cost of the original item minus a $15 restocking fee for items under $500, a $50 restocking fee for items between $500 and $1,000, a $100 restocking fee for items between $1,001 and $10,000 and a $300 restocking fee for items between $10,001 and $50,000. All items or returns over $50,000 will be subject to a $600 restocking fee * Product condition - Must the item be new in box/unopened/like new in order to return? The return will be affected by the severity of the product issue. If it is determined that the product is still useable, it will be at the discretion of the company owner to determine if store credit will be extended for the condition of the product. Products that have leaks coming from the bottom of the bottles or from places that cannot be adequately resealed, will be left with the recipient. Please do not attempt to mail us a product that is leaking when you receive it, unless personal care is taken to reseal the container and ensure that it will not leak on the return trip. We ask that you take a photo or send a short video of the product in question before sending it back so that we can confirm whether it is worth the effort to do so. For those products that are able to be sent back with no issues with leakage or breaking, we will accept those products upon confirmation. For the Wettable Dry Granules, powders and other products that change composition when touched by water, those products will only have a 2-day turnaround time to submit a return request. These are products that may be left in the rain, in the field during overhead irrigation or easily wasted. We will not accept returns due to customer negligence on these or any other product. * Refund contact info - How would a user initiate a return - using a form on the site, by calling a number, anything else. To initiate a return, e-mail sales@rareagproducts.com and put RETURN/REFEND PRODUCT in the subject line. Put a detailed explanation of the product’s name, size (2.5 gal, gal, 5 lb bag, 8 oz bag, etc.) and a description of the condition of the product upon receipt. Please include a photo or a short video of the product in question. * The client will need to pay for return shipping and a restocking fee, which proceeds as follows: $15 restocking fee for items under $500, a $50 restocking fee for items under $1,000, a $100 restocking fee for items between $1,001 and $10,000 and a $300 restocking fee for items between $10,001 and $50,000. All items or returns over $50,000 will be subject to a $600 restocking fee