Laudis is an herbicide that is rated for control of annual broadleaf and grass weeds in field and silage corn, seed corn, sweet corn, and popcorn and for postharvest burndown weed control. This product is a Group 27 herbicide.
Laudis Herbicides effectively controls a broad array of grass and broadleaf weeds, including biotypes resistant to glyphosate-,triazine-, phenoxy-, benzoic-, and ALS-inhibiting herbicides, when applied at 3 fl oz/A along with the recommended adjuvant system (Tables 1 and 2). Best control of broadleaf weeds is achieved when weeds are less than 6” in height and actively growing. The best control of grass weeds is achieved prior to tillering and when grasses are actively growing. In corn, the addition of atrazine at a minimum 0.5 lb ai/A will improve control of broadleaf weeds larger than 6 “ in height and increase the speed, spectrum, and consistency of grass control. It is the pesticide user’s responsibility to ensure that all products in the listed mixtures are registered for the intended use. Users must follow the most restrictive directions and precautionary language of the products in the mixture (for example, first aid from one product, spray drift management from another).
Cultivation can help remove suppressed weeds or multiple flushing weeds. However, cultivation should not be performed within 7 days of an application of LAUDIS Herbicide as this could decrease the effectiveness of weed control due to disruption of herbicide translocation in the plant.
• Rotate crops. Crop rotation diversifies weed management.
• Rotate Herbicide-tolerant traits. Alternate herbicide tolerant traits and or use HT trait stacks for more efficient rotations.
• Rotate and tankmix modes of action. Use tankmix partners and multiple MOAs during both the growing season and from year to year to reduce the selection pressure of a single MOA.
• Know your weeds, know your field. Closely monitor problematic areas with difficult to control weeds or dense weed populations.
• Start with clean fields. Effective tillage or the use of a burndown herbicide program can control emerged weeds prior to planting.
• Stay clean – use residual herbicides. Regardless of tillage system, a pre emergence or early postemergence soil –applied residual herbicide should be used.
• Apply herbicides correctly. Ensure proper application, correct timing, full-use rates and appropriate spray volumes.
• Control weed escapes. Consider spot herbicide application, row wicking, cultivation, hand removal of weeds or other techniques to stop weed seed production and improve weed management.
• Cumulative precipitation between application of LAUDIS Herbicide and replanting to sugar beets or dry beans must total 20 inches. Furrow or flood irrigation cannot be included in the total. The amount of cumulative precipitation required before planting a rotational crop is in addition to the required rotational interval given in months.
2 Thorough tillage should follow the crop in which LAUDIS Herbicide was used and precede the rotation to sugar beets.
3 This plantback interval requires that onion crops be grown under irrigated conditions. The plantback interval for non-irrigated onion is 18 months.
4 All other crops may be seeded only after the completion of a successful bioassay after a LAUDIS Herbicide application. Refer to the “Field/Small Scale Bioassay” section.
Cover Crops
Use of cover crops as a means of soil improvement, erosion control, weed and/or insect suppression, etc., following harvest of corn in the Fall is increasing. Planting of cover crops in fields treated with LAUDIS Herbicide is allowed as long as these cover crops are not grazed by livestock nor harvested for food. Cover crops are to be tilled under or chemically controlled with burndown herbicides in the spring. Many cover crops can be planted within 90-120 days after application of LAUDIS Herbicide. However, all potential cover crops have not been evaluated for tolerance to LAUDIS Herbicide and significant injury may occur. Prior to seeding a cover crop, complete a successful field/small scale bioassay to provide an indication of the level of tolerance to the prior LAUDIS Herbicide application. Refer to the “Field/Small Scale Bioassay” section. If used in tank mixtures with other herbicides, always follow the most restrictive label.
Field/Small Scale Bioassay
A field/small scale bioassay must be completed before rotating to a crop other than those specified in the Rotational Crop Restrictions section of this label. To conduct an effective field bioassay, grow strips of the crop(s) you intend to grow in the following season in a field previously treated with LAUDIS Herbicide. The test strip should be placed in a controlled area and should include variations in soil such as type and pH. Crop response to the bioassay will determine if the crop(s) grown in the test strips can be grown safely in the areas previously treated with LAUDIS Herbicide.
LAUDIS Herbicide may be applied by ground application only. Uniform, thorough spray coverage is important to achieve consistent weed control. Select nozzles and pressure that deliver MEDIUM spray droplets as indicated in nozzle manufacturer’s catalogs and in accordance with ASAE Standard S-572. Nozzles that deliver COARSE spray droplets may be used to reduce spray drift provided spray volume per acre (GPA) is increased to maintain coverage of weeds. Flat fan nozzles of 80° or 110° are recommended for optimum postemergence coverage.
• Sweet Corn, Seed Corn and Popcorn Only - Herbicide sensitivity in all hybrids and inbreds of seed corn, sweet corn and popcorn has not been tested. Consult with your seed provider, your local Bayer Crop Science representative and/or other knowledgeable agricultural professionals for advice on hybrid/inbred tolerance before applying LAUDIS Herbicide. If the tolerance of a hybrid/inbred is not known, apply LAUDIS Herbicide to a small area to first determine if the hybrid/inbred is tolerant prior to spraying large acreages of that hybrid/inbred. As an example, do not use LAUDIS Herbicide on Merit or Shogun sweet corn varieties as unacceptable crop response will occur.