BotryStop WP is a biological fungicide containing spores of Ulocladium oudemansii (U3 Strain), that effectively controls Botrytis cinera, Sclerotinia sclerotiorum and other mold and rot inducing pathogens. BotryStop WP works by sporulating dead and senescent plant debris they germinate and colonize the dead tissue. Additional sporulation can occur on the developing mycelium and these new spores may colonize remaining debris. BotryStop WP aggressively out competes Botrytis spp. and Sclerotinia spp. for the physical space and nutrients in the dead and senescing plant tissue; it is a true antagonist. BotryStop WP is non-invasive and causes no damage to live plant tissue. With this mechanism of action, it is highly unlikely that resistance to BotryStop WP will develop.
Use of BotryStop WP in an integrated plant health management strategy and following best management practices (or practices known to reduce disease development) makes it less likely that disease will establish. Specific IPM strategies developed for your crop and location may be available from the Extension Service or other local agricultural authorities.
MIXING: Dilute BotryStop WP with water and apply using conventional spray equipment. Partially fill the spray tank with clean water and begin agitation. Add the specified amount of BotryStop WP to the tank. Finish filling the tank to the desired volume to obtain the proper spray concentration. Add a surfactant or a non-ionic adjuvant to improve product wetting/ spreading.
Maintain agitation continuously while spraying. Use spray mixture immediately. Do not allow spray mixture to stand overnight or for prolonged periods.
APPLICATION: Apply BotryStop WP using conventional spray equipment to achieve thorough coverage and wetting of plant surfaces but not to run-off. The amount of spray suspension to apply will vary depending on the type of crop. Most row crops will require up to 100 gallons of spray per acre.
COMPATIBILITY: BotryStop WP may be tank mixed with some fungicides. Do not tank mix BotryStop WP with more than one product. Consult specific product labels for additional information or restrictions concerning tank mixing. Observe the most restrictive of the labeling limitations and precautions of all products used in mixtures. It is always advisable to conduct a spray
compatibility test when you plan to mix this product with another product. To determine the physical compatibility of this product with other products, use a jar test. Using a quart jar, add the proportionate amounts of the products to approximately one quart of water with agitation. Add dry formulations first, then flowables, and then emulsifiable concentrates last. After thorough mixing, allow this mixture to stand for 5 minutes. If the combination remains mixed or can be readily remixed, it is physically compatible. Once compatibility has been proven, use the same procedure and sequence for adding products to the spray tank. BotryStop WP has been evaluated for phytotoxicity on a variety of crops under various normal growing conditions.
However, testing all crop varieties, in all mixtures and combinations is not feasible. Prior to treating entire crop, test a small portion of the crop for sensitivity