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8 items | $475.00 | 5% off |
MegaPhos SP contains a high concentration of a unique, natural, microorganism named Bacillus megaterium strain HM87. Bacillus megaterium solubilizes the phosphorous in the soil and makes it readily available to the plant. Use of MegaPhos SP will release bound up phosphorous in the soil thereby increasing fertilizer efficiency, eliminating the need to over apply nutrients.
MegaPhos is a high-performance phosphorus solubilizing microorganism that enhances root growth and crop yield. The application rate of MegaPhos depends on the soil type, crop stage, and nutrient requirement. As a general guideline, the recommended rate is 2 to 8 ounces per acre for most crops.
However, this rate may vary depending on the soil test results and agronomic recommendations. For best results, MegaPhos should be applied in split doses during the critical growth stages of the crop, such as planting, flowering, and fruiting. MegaPhos can be applied through drip irrigation, foliar spray, or soil drenching.
Phosphorous is notorious for binding in the soil and, thus, being unavailable to plants. This in turn leads to either phosphorus deficiency or over application of phosphorus fertilizers.
MegaPhos SP is a high concentration of a select bacterial strain that aids in transformation of soil phosphorus into an assumable form for plants. The active ingredient in MegaPhos SP, Bacillus megaterium HM87, produces enzymes and other secondary metabolites that solubilize and mineralize normally unavailable phosphorous.
MegaPhos can be used as a drench, liquid feed, irrigation, spray or seed treatment. It is compatible with fungicides, insecticides, fertilizers and biological stimulants. MegaPhos is 100% soluble and does not need constant agitation to keep it suspended in a solution. It will not clog machinery.